8 August 2013
Andrew Mitchell MP has met with Liam Roseblade, Assistant Project Manager for The Challenge Network in Sutton Coldfield to discuss the Coalition Government’s National Citizen Service. The National Citizen Service targets 15 to 17 year olds and aims to give them the chance to make a positive impact in their Schools and communities by encouraging personal and social development by working on skills like leadership, teamwork and communication. The Challenge Network, the UK’s leading charity for building a more integrated society, is working with 219 young people from Sutton who will run fifteen different campaigns, take part in three large group projects and assist fifteen local community organisations with sponsorship events in the coming months. Andrew Mitchell MP, said “The Coalition Government launched the National Citizen Service to bring together young people from different backgrounds within their local communities and help them develop greater confidence, self-awareness and responsibility. Not only do the projects the young people are involved in help the Sutton community but the skills participants learn through this scheme will be very beneficial to any career they wish to pursue in later life.” The National Citizen Service started in Sutton Coldfield on 3 July 2013. Mr Mitchell will be the keynote speaker at a Graduation Ceremony in Birmingham later this year. The Government recently announced it will offer NCS places to 90,000 teenagers by 2014. Photos: Andrew Mitchell MP with Liam Roseblade, Assistant Project Manager for The Challenge Network.