5 July 2024
So grateful after victory at the polls

After a long and hard-fought campaign – and after both the BBC and Sky predicted a different result last night – I was hugely honoured to be re-elected as your Member of Parliament in the early hours of this morning.

In the 23 years that I have served Sutton Coldfield, I have never received a warmer reception on the doorstep from local people, and I consider it a great privilege to once again give Sutton residents a voice.

I would like to thank my brilliant campaigning team and the hundreds of dedicated volunteers who helped to get our message across, and all of my fellow candidates - who made it such an engaging and, at times, entertaining campaign.

I also want to thank not only everyone who voted for me, but also everyone who chose to engage in such a vibrant contest. Democracy is such a precious thing, and it is alive and kicking in Royal Sutton Coldfield.

I will, as always, represent all of my constituents and work to deliver the pledges I made during my campaign. While last night was a bruising event for my party, I know we will provide an effective and responsible opposition.

Now however, work calls – and it’s straight back to the day job!